
Sleepy Ben

I've been exhausted for - well, about as long as I can remember, but - at least the past 3 months of my pregnancy, for sure.  I was huge, I couldn't get comfortable, and I woke up almost every hour during the night.  So I am used to being tired.

Ben is not.  He's having a difficult adjustment to the nighttime activity in our home.  Keller's not THAT bad, technically, since he doesn't scream non-stop like Canon used to.  (We actually took Canon to the emergency room at 3 am when he was a baby because we were so perplexed at what could cause such screams.  $500 later, we learned to never go to the emergency room again.)  Kel has simply developed a tendency to fall asleep s-l-o-w-l-y in the middle of the night.  And Ben's patience wears a little thin.  He'd love me to just nurse every time Keller makes a noise, but I, as the mom, know that my baby isn't really hungry each and every one of those times.

I really appreciate that Ben helps soothe Keller at night.  I wonder if I should maybe just take over, though, because I feel bad seeing how pooped Ben is.  He's sort of a walking zombie this week.  I hope he can adjust because it's going to be a while before Keller allows him a full night's sleep.  He's done it before, but I'm crossing my fingers that we'll make it through this phase again.  My poor sleepy Ben.


He Came!

I am pleased to announce the long anticipated arrival of Keller Davis Peck. He's finally here and boy am I relieved. He's such a sweetie and the kids just adore him.

Friday, January 16th, I was grumpy as can be and frusterated that I might never have my baby. It had been a long day by the time we got the kids in bed. Ben and I were eating chocolate and watching tv together when it all started (around 8:00pm.) I started having really painful contractions really close together, and then they'd disappear again, then come back - we didn't want another false alarm story, so we were very wary. But my parents were in our neighborhood, basically, so we had them come over and we headed to the hospital.

We were admitted around 11:00pm and told that I was dilated to a 7. We were thrilled to hear that we'd be staying and that we would have a baby sooner rather than later. My previous two labors have been 6 hours from start of contractions to delivery, so I estimated Keller would arrive around 2am. Labor was... well, labor. Lots of work, but manageable. By the time it came to pushing, though, I was... well, concerned. Saying things like, "I just want him out of me, right now," I made it apparent that I was done with this pregnancy and with labor. Keller was posterior, which means he had to turn around to come out. The doc made it happen, though, and finally I HAD A BABY!

"It's a boy, right?" And indeed he was. Keller Davis Peck was born on January 17, 2009, at 1:37 am in the Jordan Valley Hospital. He weighed 9 lbs, 12 ounces (my biggest baby) and was 21 inches long. Lots of brown hair and beautiful blue eyes; he's a good looking baby and I love him so.

I have a baby and I am no longer pregnant. Blessings just don't get any bigger than that. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and interest in my life the past 9 months; I needed it. Life is super great. Don't you think?


Sledding with skill

It's been a long time since I kept a promise to my kids and I was finally due to live up to my word.  One day we were driving past the Sugar House Park and the kids were begging to go sledding so I told them we'd go on Saturday.  We'll we did and it was a blast. We only went for 30min but walking once up a long hill for Canon is like running a marathon.  Plus I wanted to leave before anyone started crying.  It was a success and I look forward to many more rides down the road.  


American Idol is coming

It's January again and that means Idol.  Apparently there will be quite a few changes this season, which makes me really excited.  Read this article to find out more.


Time goes by so Slowly

Feeling like I will be pregnant for the rest of my life.  

I guess that's more of a facebook status type post.  Maybe I should give in and set up a profile.  It's something to do while I'm sitting here waiting.  Lots and lots of waiting.

Buzzed Canon's hair today.  First time without tears or hair in the mouth = success!


My current favorite song with a Twist

This is Us

I'm Amber.  I spill my brain out onto this blog; but I spill it less randomly than I do in my journal.  I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister -- and I'm figuring out what else I'd like to be.  I'm on a voyage of self-discovery!

I fill my life with wonderful characters, including:

Ben, whom I have been in love with since July 2003.  He's kind of a gigantic goofball.

Taesya, our lovely 5-yr-old daughter

Quirky little Canon - Age 3

Keller, our youngest, 18 months old

Baby number four is expected December 9, 2010.

My kiddos are my life right now.  But I hear that during this very young phase, this 24/7 neediness is considered normal.  I like them; even though they are a lot of work, they are cute sometimes.

This is Lacey.  She's a 9 month old Shepherd mix, who we just adore.

I love writing, photography, theater, and music.  I love my life, too, because somewhere between the craziness and the mess, I laugh.  And nothin' beats loves from your fam.


Sunday Sunday

Sundaes actually sound really good right now...

Anyways, so no news on this Sunday. No labor, no baby. Yes I was disappointed when I woke up, but you pick yourself up and you move on. We went to church and I got a lot of looks, each of them saying to me, "I am so sorry." But I survived and I pulled of a great Primary lesson.  Taesya was in Primary today, too; her first day as a Sunbeam!  It was a very satisfying feeling to walk away from our church, knowing that as miserable as I am, I smiled and fulfilled my calling.  I felt like I was glowing.

Sidenotes:  Tae was pretty dramatic for the first few minutes of Primary, but she answered questions and sang songs.  By the time we went home, she was a pro Sunbeam.  (And Canon never noticed she was missing in Nursery.  Unfortunately my son is one of the children who won't sit on his mat and sing.  He hops around the room or lays on the ground - outwardly displaying his rebellion.)  Quite a day.


Baby Contest

Happy New Year, everyone! I can honestly say that my outlook on 2009 is pretty bright this morning. Things are going to turn out alright.

Speaking of things: When will little Keller come? That is the question of the day. I am offering a prize to the person who can most closely estimate the arrival of our son. Just post a comment with the date and time that you predict; I will send a reward to the best guesser!

To aid in your prediction:
1. My "Estimated Due Date" is January 23rd
2. Based on my ultrasound and measurements at check-ups, another mentioned due date was January 12th
3. I am currently dilated to a 3+
4. Taesya arrived 1 day late
5. Canon came 9 days early

So take a guess! (Please keep your guesses confined to the month of January, or I'll get really depressed.) And have a great New Year's Day.

Baby Amber

Baby Ben