
And I quote...

"You can't let a little thing like total public humiliation come between you and a good time."

- From Martha Speaks, on PBSkids


Join Me

Please join me in my celebration dance - my three favorite idols are safe for another week!  Jump up and down, shake those jazz hands, I am good.  Oh yeah, Kris, Gokey, and Alison will be rockin' it next Tuesday.  Woo hoo!

(P.S. Danny's performance was my fave this week.  He finally caught my attention for the first time in a while.  Go Danny.)

Right now I'm reading

A Very Long Engagement
Sebastien Japrisot
          *Quite a page turner.  I couldn't wait to see how the story would unfold.  Beautifully written, too.  I loved it.

Plain Truth
 Jodi Picoult
          *Another intense plot.  The language wasn't as poetic as Japrisot, but the characters were likeable and you really felt for them.  Enjoyed it quite a bit.  Kindof wish the ending was different.  Oh well.

A Girl Named Zippy
Haven Kimmel
          *Fun and interesting.  A cute character, similar to Scout from Mockingbird.  Some of her descriptions are hilarious, like, "would've made a pirate weep."  A delight.

Common Sense Parenting of Toddlers and Preschoolers
Bridget A. Barnes
Steven M. York, M.H.D.
          *Good stuff in here.  But when I put the book down, I forget what I've read.  And it's more from an expert's point of view, rather than a parent's.  Still reading; we'll see.

Attempt at running Errands

It's been one of those days.  Oh boy, yeah it has.  Picture if you will a frazzled mom standing in line at the pharmacy.  Her children apparently haven't even been dressed for the day.  The baby is crying in his car-seat, the oldest child is pulling on that divider between pharmacy lines, and the toddler comes precariously close to toppling out of the cart head first.  Lots of noise, crying, attempts at discipline.  "What prescription were you coming to pick up, today?" the man asks me.  Amid the chaos, "Birth control."  He seems sympathetic.

I just read my brother and sister-in-law's blog and it made me smile.  Reading about other children makes me reflect upon mine.  My kids aren't bad, really, but when kids are sick or bored or tired, it can seem like they are bad.  And with a short attention span, rules probably have to be reviewed to be remembered.  We're struggling with the rule that mud does not belong in the pool.  Mainly Taesya is struggling with that rule.

Canon has a cold/cough again.  He must have inherited his dad's immune system.

Keller is the only baby on the planet, it seems, who doesn't automatically fall asleep in cars.

It's only 2:00 so I have several hours to fill till Ben comes home.  I think we'll make a game of sorting laundry and then play outside with some water.  A moment of peace right now, though, is feeling really good.  Hard days build character, right?  And really, I know what a blessing my children are.  Those kids love me so much.  

The pharmacy was funny, though.  :)


Little Pieces of Heaven

I was reflecting this morning on my favorite places. I've had one or two little hideaways or escapes where I can breathe deeply and feel peace. Places where I feel comfortable. And I just wanted to share them.

When I lived at home, I really loved our waterfall in the backyard. The sound of water was very calming. I'd take a book with me and sit on a rock all alone. It always felt really nice to have that moment just for me. I have a picture of that waterfall hanging on my wall.

Provo was our home for a long time and I have so many places that I love there. But I think I found the most serenity just walking the sidewalks of our Center Street neighborhood, especially in the fall. The old homes full of character, the tall strong trees, and the rainbow of leaves that blanketed the streets. Walking around, I would remember the things I cared about and dream of what the future would hold.

Now I have found that I really cherish my backyard. Slowly things have changed about it, and more will in the coming years, but the way that it is now, I can hang out there all day. We have a nice shed, a swingset with a small pool at the bottom of the slide, and a garden that I am so proud of. I think the point of my backyard is that it's not perfect, it's not ideal or what anyone else thinks it should be - it's the backyard that we made, and that we enjoy. I love to be back there when all three kids are having a good time. Makes me smile.

One last piece of heaven: holding my children and my Ben. I could cuddle with Canon, sit with Taesya, and smell baby Keller all day. Ben's hugs are so comforting to my soul. What a lovely family. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father has granted me so many glimpses of what heaven can be.



My to-do list is going to eat me alive. It's so big that I'm paralyzed and cannot even think of where to begin. Food to prepare, things to clean, people to call (well, if my insurance company is considered people,) places to go, and bills to pay. Some of the errands actually sound fun, until you imagine them with three children, and a very full diaper bag "just in case."

If only Taesya were older and could babysit. Hmm, babysitter. Maybe I will call ours. I need all the help I can get.


Starting to Worry

We're getting near the end of Idol and there are less and less crummy people to wish off the show. Soon we will be saying goodbye to our favorites. So I'm going to vote vote vote, trying my best to believe the American mantra that "every vote counts." So this evening I did my duty to save Kris, Allison, and Gokey. They are my current top Three.

Don't want to gush too long, but I just have to mention that Kris kicked trash tonight. Right on the money, that boy. I will be on the edge of my seat during the always long results show tomorrow. Right after Lie to Me, which I so love.

Shout out to my family: Love you all, love seeing and being with you. XOXOX.


I'm in Love

I just can't contain my feelings any longer. I have to shout from the roof tops that I, Amber Peck, am in love again. He's the greatest: tall, dark, handsome and I could hug and kiss him all day. What a sweetheart, talking to me so cute, and holding my hand in public. I just can't get enough of this boy.

True, he does get a bit emotional when he's tired, and he's constantly eating. (He's quite a slob when he eats.) But I think this guy will be in my life for a long long time. I love him so.

Big Sigh

I don't like Mondays. So far today I have poop on the carpet, a sick husband, and bread in the bubbles. Mondays are crummy. We should skip them.


General Conference

We had a really good weekend together as a family. And I was so grateful for Conference. Regardless of whether or not a talk/message seems to be directed at me, I always feel the spirit during conference. There's a wonderful feeling of calm and well being that I feel when those leaders speak. I guess it's sort of an affirmation that "Yeah, this is what I believe." It'll be good to read the messages again when the Ensign comes out.

I'm grateful for the Church. And I know that this is where I'm supposed to be.