
Life is poking holes in my Umbrella

I just.... seriously.  What the heck?!?

Someone tried to break into our house today to (we assume) steal our tv.  They completely removed one window; Ben think it looks like they razored around each edge and since the window was held in by caulk alone, it probably wasn't too hard for them.  But our gigantic tv cabinet and our large dog prevented them from getting anything.  (This is all what we're guessing, obviously.)

Cop came by.  Since nothing's missing, he didn't really care much.  He thinks it may have fallen out on its own--yeah, no way.  If our window fell out, it would have broken.

Point is that one more crappy thing happened to my family.  And I don't know how much more I can take. I'm trying to read about Faith in the bible, trying to find something to really click and make it all seem better.  But I just feel like we're getting kicked and kicked by life right now.

I'm grateful for Riley.  (Hopefully he scared the pants off the crook.)  And that our neighbors have come over to help Ben fix the window.  The guy two houses down, whom we've never met before today, had his tv stolen in December.

Just shaking my head.... things are just really baffling me.  If I could just get a peek at how our lives are supposed to turn out after all this--


Fuming over spilled milk

It doesn't matter how many times we've talked about it, or how many times his attempts have ended in disaster.  Canon tried to get himself a drink out of the fridge again.  And now an entire gallon of milk is soaked up in towels in the washing machine, instead of in it's plastic bottle, where it belongs.  He says sorry (and you probably think that sounds sweet) but we've done this so many times (and I've heard that hasty apology each time) that it makes me just want to smack him, because he thinks sorry makes everything go away.  He has no intention of changing his behavior; he just doesn't want mom to be mad.  And then he can just be naughty again next time.  GRRRRRRR.  It makes me so angry.

All he has to do is ask me for a drink.
I'd get the boy a drink.

Why does life with kids feel like constant re-runs?  The same mistakes, the same messes, over and over and over.  (Gigantic sigh.)

We were just about to go to the library all together, but now that sounds like a really stupid idea.
Just another potential disaster.
Figure something else out.



Keller made an important discovery today: tantrums in the bathtub will get water in your nose.  So now he's wrapped in a towel and finishing out his tantrum on the bed.  It's almost 11:00 and this is his third (quite lengthy) tantrum today.  He throws himself onto the ground and cries and cries and cries.  When he stops, he comes over to Mom and it's as if it never happened.  I would hate crying like that; I'd have a major headache by now.

Riley seems concerned.  He is very protective of Keller, but this non-stop crying is confusing, I'm sure.

Canon is being very tolerant, but understandably, is avoiding his dramatic little brother.

Lucky Tae is at school.

.... Still going strong.  Moved to the kitchen where his cries would echo louder, maybe...  Boy this is a fun phase!  Can't even remember why he's mad.  Oh yeah, I tried to wash his hair.  Mean mom.


Cameron's Coming

Keller and I have the same kind of haircut lately.  (I just thought that was interesting.)

My little brother, Cameron, is coming home from his mission tomorrow.  I almost can't believe that the two years are over.  I'm so excited to see him and give him a big hug.  

He's never met Keller, which is crazy to me.  The whole process of birth and everything is crazy, really.  When Cameron left, there was the beginnings of a baby in my tummy, and now, such a short time later, there is this full personality occupying my life.  It really is a testimony to me that we existed before this life.  Keller (and all my other kids) came with his own little bundle of likes and dislikes, his own stubbornness, little quirky traits-- there is just so much wrapped up in that little body.  

Life changes quick.  And now here I am with another little baby secretly hiding away his/her own special personality.  (It hope it's a nice baby, cuz I'm getting pretty outnumbered around here.)

I'm so glad that fun things are happening: homecomings and holidays.  Summer in general is good for my brain.  Sunscreen, popsicles, and flip flops!  Can't wait for tomorrow!


Good Things to Come



My baby is the size of a lemon right now.  He/she can make all kinds of expressions with his face and can suck his/her thumb.  His/her body is growing to catch up with his/her large head.

I don't get nauseous anymore unless I'm rinsing off really disgusting dishes.  My baby gives me a headache at 8:30 every night and says, "Go to bed, Mom."  But I don't mind too much because it soooo beats nausea and dizzy spells.  We get to find out the gender of our baby on July 16th, so I am very excited.  Still hoping for/expecting a girl.... we'll see.  He/she is a good little lemon.



The trick with reviewing is that I’m not allowed to say, “The play was amazing,” and simply leave it at that.  Apparently the general public wants more information than that.  So I dissect the acting, the directing, the lighting and such—but even that is not enough.  If you know the details of each theatrical element in the show, but weren’t actually there to experience the feeling of the show, you are still missing something.  As a reviewer, above all else, I most want to portray the intangible/the essence/the vibe to those who may read this.  I want you to feel, like I did, how amazing a show really was.  This is my challenge.
(The other trick is that my brother is my editor.)



(Some new photos on the About page, just so you know.)

She hates when things change, but she's a'changin'

Last September when I sent my daughter out into the world--k, just to preschool down the street--she seemed like such a tiny girl.  It was scary to hand over my child to her teachers; it felt like a big big deal to me.

Sep '09

But she's had such a wonderful time there and I was beyond pleased with her teachers.  Taesya graduated with flying colors and even received a Kindergarten Readiness Award.  I feel like she's grown so much this year: her self-confidence, her love of learning.

June '10

I'm so glad to have a daughter like Taesya.  She is a good person, with oodles of love and energy.  And as I see my family grow, I think of her in 5th and 6th grade...  What will she be like?  Hopefully a lot the same.  What a special child I was sent.  I love you Tae.


"But I'm already on a quest..."

I received some good counsel today and also remembered a scripture that struck a chord with me a few Sundays ago.  I'm in a place right now where I'm wondering about my role as a mother and I have begun a quest to gain knowledge and understanding about this job that I have chosen.  So today, for now, this is my focus:

1.  Love Them
2.  Teach them the Gospel
3.  Feed Them
4.  Clothe Them

"Be thou humble: and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answers to thy prayers."  (D&C 112:10)


On the menu today...

I scraped myself out of bed with a giant spatula.  I was stuck pretty good; I think I might have even left some pieces behind.  Can't seem to find my energy or my happy face, must have left them on my pillow.

At the gym today, I hope to work myself hard enough that I temporarily stop thinking.  Then I can get a break from the guilt of totally missing Taesya's friend's birthday party yesterday.  No, we weren't busy or anything--I just 100% forgot.  Tae hasn't been informed of this mistake yet, and I'm debating whether or not to even bring it up.  (She gives me such grief over my mishaps.)  So yes, I'm going to do enough reps on my biceps and triceps that I completely forget my mommy mistakes.

Mornings are so very difficult.


Not quite done

It's been a long day of mommy-ness and it is not over yet.  My energy is gone; wish I could just lay my head down for a little while.  But I have to take Taesya to tumbling at 5:00, then off to preschool graduation.  Canon has teeball orientation at 6:15, which hopefully Ben will be able to take him to.  It's Ben's first day at his new job and I'm not sure when to expect him home.  As long as it's before teeball...

And somewhere in there, I should probably feed my family.  No idea really how that's going to work.  Maybe we could grab a couple Jamba Juices and call it good.

I got through the day pretty well, for me.  I'm not really awesome at this mom stuff currently, but today was above average for me, I'd say.  So I just gotta get through this evening, get those busy kids into bed, and then I can crash.  I'm reading a new book, so I'm excited to get back to it.  It's called Pillars of the Earth.  Just finished The Book Thief and cried a river at the end.  (Did you finish it, Ash?)

Just keep swimmin'.


Happy Benny Bday

Taesya blew up her very first balloon today.
Canon tried.
I have to tie the balloons for her, and they are slobbery, I tell you.

We are celebrating Ben's birthday a little late.  With decorations and cake mix cookies.  This morning Ben and I played tennis together; it was a fun time.  More pictures to come later, I think.  Happy Benny Bday, everyone!

*Update: Nope, no more pictures.  We are in a digital dry spell, sorry to say.  My parents gave us a camera when Taesya was born and it served us well for a while.  She's five now, so yeah, the camera is dead.  Ben had an Iphone there for a spell and I leaned on that for necessary digital documentation.  Alas, the Iphone is no more.  So my very lovely Canon SLR is our only camera, not digital.  I take a few photos here and there and when the roll is full, develop and put on a CD.  That's our only option as of right now.  Not the end of the world, just a lesson in patience.

*We do have the ever trusty tool of photo booth, which provided the above balloon/tongue image.  A camera is in my future, but it is not on the top of the "Things we will buy when we have the money" list.

*The cookies were quite yummy, by the way.  I took a picture.  :)