
I’m in a Musical

It IS possible to develop talents and work on hobbies while married, and even with children. Who knew?!? Well, I am in a musical. It’s been 4 years since my last one, and I’m still “ensemble” material, but I am having a great time! Standing on that DHS Auditorium Stage makes me feel like Amber again. I never really lost who I am, I just added a few things to my life resume, namely “Wife to Benjamin Peck, Mother to Canon and Taesya.”

So I can still dance, sing, be confident and fun. To me that is a news flash. Anyone who wants to see the new/old me: DHS Auditorium June 30-July 6.

ps. I owe this excitement to my parents, who invited us to live in Kaysville. Also my Ben, who encouraged me to audition. Thank you.


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