
Van Driver, "Move that Van!"

The primary reason I wanted to make a post today was to let everyone and anyone that reads this blog know that WE BOUGHT A HOME!!!!! Well, we haven't closed yet so don't get too excited, but I think we have a good chance. Yeah, I know,  we didn't think we'd ever get one either, but hey, I guess we're proof that dreams can come true. 

Amber and I were watching Extreme Home Makeover addition tonight and during the famous part were they say "Bus driver, Move that Bus" (which is when for some embarrassing reason I always seem to cry,) I said to Amber, "Before we can move into our house we need to put a bus in front of it."  Well, since we don't have a Bus or know any family members to borrow one from we'll just have to use our Mini-van and we'll get all the neighbors (we don't know any neighbors, but they would come anyway because who doesn't like to gather together and yell in unison)  to come out and yell with us "Van driver, Move that Van!".  

I'll post some pictures of our new home later if everything goes well.  Once we've moved in it'll look better. 

Look forward to hearing more from me. I really like writing. 


Leslie said...

Congratulations!! That is awesome! I hope all goes well with closing and we will look forward to see some pictures soon.

Nate King said...

Hooray! Congratulations. We're so excited for you. We look forward to hearing more and seeing pictures. Good luck on closing and moving and on the van.

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