
Gimmee a Break

Starting today, I hereby give myself permission to forget things, and lose things, and not beat myself up about it. It is entirely too much to expect of myself to think that I can remember everything and know where everything is. With such impossible standards, I am bound to fail and to feel like a failure. So the bar has been lowered. I'm human and am now allowed to be imperfect.

So if my brain is full of a list, and the list gets lost - no one will die; I am ok. And if I still have no idea where our park blanket has gone, I will take a deep breath and realize that the world is still turning. I am off the hook, free to forget, and no longer under intense pressure. Sometimes I expect WAY too much of myself. I'd rather feel WAY better about myself.

I'm responsible and smart, pretty organized, and I have a good memory. But I do forget things and lose things - s'ok!


marciea casselman said...

Tell me about it. I can't find my van keys ANYWHERE! I just had them on Saturday and they are gone, gone, gone. I have no idea where they could be. Maybe they are with your park blanket.

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