
Day of Thanks

People have been sick, I'm scrambling to finish up my projects for the end of Semester, and Ben's new business is mostly busy-ness right now. So I was making Jell-O and thinking, "I don't have much to be thankful for today..."

Then I thought, "What?!? Are you kidding?"

I have a ton to be thankful for: I have a husband that loves me and works hard to provide for us, I have three beautiful loving children, I have a home, clothes to wear, heat, and food in the refrigerator. I have a loving family in Utah, Arizona, New York, and Canada. I have friends from a long time ago that still send me love, and new friends that live right in my neighborhood. I have a body that can run and jump, taste yummy things, and feel a hug or kiss. I'm grateful for music, and crunchy leaves, and photos--I have SO much in my life--SO many blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who reads this. And don't let today be your deadline for saying thanks. Today is a great reminder of all that we have to be grateful for. Love and Thanks to you all for supporting me.


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