
Kindred Spirits

There are some people who I've bumped into in life who just click with the way I think. Do you have people like that? I've had one or two in each place that I've lived. Age, life circumstance, and even language make no difference. Their spirit is a good fit for yours. They are rare and special, they can say more eloquently what you are already feeling. My mom recommended this blog to me to read; I sort of glanced at it and brushed it off as not my type. I don't home school my children or read conference talks too often... but I saved the address and checked it out again. And - - - she's great, the end. Check it out. Diapers and Divinity gives me that feeling that I'm in a special club of mothers. Even if we don't actually talk to each other, we all understand what it's like. How can I read someone else's words and feel so validated, appreciated, known? Kindred spirits, I tell ya.


Stephanie said...

This is a sweet tribute, thank you! And for the record, I would rather die than home school my children. p.s. You're totally in the cool mom club.

Amber said...

Y'know I think when I first checked out your blog, I combined it in my mind with thepioneerwoman.com -- she homeschools.

And thanks.

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