
Looking for Victorian Boots

I think these boots are so cute.  I'm supposed to get something like this for the Secret Garden, but much much cheaper.  The trick is finding them.  These are about $150, and I found another pair for $50.  But I'm looking for $20 or less.  What are the odds that DI will have Victorian looking boots?


APeck said...

You'll have a better chance of finding lady roper style cowboy boots. They have a heal and are lace up. My mom could wear those for her mission in Nauvoo and they have a VERY strict dress code. Plus, when you're on stage you can get away with a little more, right? I've seen lots of them at Savers and the DI in Layton and Ogden DI carries a lot of good stuff.

marciea casselman said...

Good luck, I haven't ever seen any.

Michal Thompson said...

Of course I remember you. These are super cute boots! You could wear them even off stage! Good luck finding some cheaper ones!

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