
Still makes me smile when I think about it.

It only cost me $5.45 and it was the best part of my whole day.  Yesterday, the kids and I ate school lunch. We've gone, I think, twice before but today was such a treat.  Because in the midst of my busy and difficult daily life, I got to enjoy a decent meal that took no effort and involved no clean up afterward.

We had chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, a roll, chocolate milk, and a rice krispie treat.  I didn't have to buy any of these things at the store, I didn't have to unload them from my car, I didn't have to cook each element of the meal, and I didn't have to do the dishes when it was all over.  Heaven!!!!

Taesya, Canon, Keller, and I enjoyed a delightful meal at her elementary school and it brightened my day.  I breathed a sigh of contentment on the way to the car, "Wasn't that yummy, Canon?"  Thank you, public school, for giving me that moment of joy.


Stephanie said...

That's awesome. I should do that sometime.

marciea casselman said...

I feel the same way when I go out to eat. I love it so much because I don't have to do anything but order and eat and pay and leave.

Emily said...

I am one of those wierdo's who aboslutely LOVED school lunch! Oh how I miss it, your making my mouth water. I wonder if I could get away with eating school lunch sometime?
PS: did I read your comment right? are you expecting your 4th?!

Amber said...

Yes, Em, here comes number four. Crazy, right?

Michal Thompson said...

I should try that!

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