
We love you, Riley.




Riley was a wonderful dog and he loved our family so much.  We will miss him.  But we will remember how he loved to sleep on the Lovesac, and how he would carry toys out of the bathtub, and how patiently he would wait for Keller to drop his cereal.  We're so glad we got to share those few short months with such a loving boy.  We love you, Ry.


Michal Thompson said...

where is riley going?

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

Oh my, what a sweet post. I have a huge soft spot in my heart for dogs, and he seemed like a great dog. What happened to him? I'm sure you will miss him so much.

sNick said...

Oh no. What happened to Riley?

Amber said...

We had to put Riley down after he bit a girl in our ward. She didn't provoke him in any way, and he jumped up into her face. He was so good to our family, but was very nervous with babysitters. Something in his past maybe?

So he's gone now and we miss him. The kids are taking it really well. And Mary (our friend from the ward) is doing good.

marciea casselman said...

Well now your house will be a lot calmer. We had a cat that bit our neighbor boy on the head and wedid the exact same thing. He is now in kitty heaven or hell depending on your perspective on his earthly actions.

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