
Can you find:

1.  One child actually trying to say, "Cheese," for the photo.
2.  The food item that we buy every week.  Sometimes two boxes.
3.  The Halloween costume that one child plans to wear every day.  Hint: it comes with a pointy black hat.
4.  A scratched nose.
5.  Healing stitches covered with "Steri strips."
6.  Three stuffy noses.
7.  One child with combed hair.  (This is a trick, there aren't any.)
8.  One child wearing shoes.  (Another trick.)
9.  Three kids who just can't resist sitting right next to each other at all times.


Miss Megan said...

Hi Amber! I found this blog address on your Facebook page and I'd say that I'm stalking you, but now that I'm telling you I'm stalking you I think it makes me a legitimate reader :) Just couldn't resist commenting on this post: SO. CUTE! I love the photos of your family, and your commentary is hilarious. Sad to hear your kids have stuffy noses, but I'm glad they all get along! Have a happy day!

Michal Thompson said...

All 9 points= happy children

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