
The Early Bird

This morning, I am choosing to blog.  It wasn't a tough choice, since sleeping was becoming impossibly painful, and my prenatal yoga DVD is lost.  So, good morning!  I am pleased to report that there is no snow on the grass, unlike yesterday.  When Ben informed me of that unfortunate precipitation, my heart fell.  Fall just can't be leaving me that fast.  

But my boys were excited.  And I dutifully bundled them and sent them out to explore.  Lacy, as well, seemed super curious about this new wet stuff in our yard.


By the afternoon, the sunshine was back and the sidewalks were dry.  I got to enjoy a little more autumn loveliness as I picked up my kiddos from school.  Speaking of kiddos:

It feels like Keller and I are always in the car lately.  We make a lot of trips to the elementary school for drop-offs and pick-ups.  It's gotten so I just smoosh the two older kids names together now and tell Keller, "Let's go in the car to get TaeCanon (or CanTaesya.)"  "Go Car," he says, "CanTaesya school."  He and I are always always together.  So it's a nice change when he has a happy day, rather than a crying/tired day.  When he's not throwing a tantrum, that little boy can sure be cute.

It's good for me to take pictures of the smiley moments in life.  When I post these images, I remember how much I love my kids.  I forget about being oh so very pregnant, for a little while.  The happy times in motherhood can sometimes be few and far between, but if you look, you'll see that they are there.  I have photographic evidence.

Still a half an hour till the fam wakes up.  I was thinking of reading about the pre-existence today.  Hope your day is great, or that you find at least a moment of greatness to hang on to.


marciea casselman said...

Raising kids is certainly a challenge, sometimes fun, sometimes not, but generally rewarding.

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