
Fake Labor Story

It was almost time to pick up the kids from school and I was kinda dreading it.  It's just a lot of work for me, physically.  Keller and I needed our shoes on, but as I set Keller on the couch to begin, he got mad.  Don't really understand why, but he decided it was a really good time for a tantrum.  So I left him to get my own jacket and footwear.  Time was ticking, though, so I had to get him ready.  If it wasn't so freezing outside I would have just left him barefooted.  Bummer.

So I wrestled a crying, kicking Keller into the van.  As I buckled him into his seat, a really painful contraction took my breath away and I had to stop for a minute.  I closed his door and hobbled over to my side.  The two minute drive to the Elementary was fine, Keller sucked on his binky and calmed down.  We found a parking spot and I turned off the engine.  But trying to get the stroller out of the trunk was tough, my stomach hurt, and I needed to use the bathroom.

The wind blew my scarf off.  I bent down to pick it up and felt another sharp ache.  There's no way I'm going into labor right now, I thought.  My cell phone wasn't even charged.

Kel and I made it inside, slowly, and I signed Canon out of his pre-K class.  His teacher looked concerned; she's a really sweet lady and she always notices how I'm feeling.  She offered to get Taesya from her class, while Canon's other teacher stayed with the class.  I sat on the rotunda steps and breathed as deeply as I could.  Keller was strapped into his stroller and Canon stayed by me.  When Sini (Canon's teacher) returned with Tae, I asked her if she could call Ben.

It was the craziest situation and there were kids everywhere, but I did my best to just handle the contractions.  "When are we going home?" Canon asked.  "Soon, buddy," I replied.  Oh man, I wanted to get out of there so bad.  I mean, who goes into labor at their kids' school?!?  It felt like forever, but finally Benny came...

*This story is fictional.  While I'm waiting for Jovie to come, I imagine up all kinds of labor situations (not on purpose) and I thought maybe I'd write them up.*

*Update: I wrote this right before I went to pick up the kids for real and it made things seem so much easier than they usually are.  I guess if something in life is hard, but then you picture yourself doing that thing while in labor, it makes real life seem like a piece of cake.  Interesting.*


Ashley said...

Am, I didn't read the title and this stressed me out I thought it was real! I didn't realize until I got to the end. Love you! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

APeck said...

It's like any day now.....

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

Maybe that's good to be able to deal with it when it really happens, you like "It could be worse"

You had me... I thought it was real too!!! :) I hope you don't into labor at the kid's school.

marciea casselman said...

You might have cursed yourself after making all of us feel sorry for you. Hope your labor is right when it should be and WHERE it should be.

Amber said...

Didn't want to freak anyone out; thus the title.

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