
Feeling wimpy a bit

(Wish I looked this cute)

I'm five months pregnant and beginning to feel very out of shape.  Granted, I have been eating lots and lots of junk.  I crave sugar all of the time, and especially when things are tough at home, I eat way too much of a good thing.  So when I hopped onto the elliptical today, I was tired after about a minute.  I seriously considered sitting on a bench for the hour to at least get my money's worth out of the daycare.  But I plugged along.  It was so hard today.  

I did what I could do.  And I got a break from the house and the kids.  My brain was empty for a small chunk of time and that felt wonderful.  I hope this rough workout doesn't become a trend, because I still have a ways to go in this pregnancy.  As for today, though, I'm proud that I worked my heart and my muscles.  Go me.


Ashley said...

Just keep to it Am, and it will get easier and easier. I need to follow my own advice, it's just way too hot and humid here for me to be motivated...

Leslie said...

I am seriously impressed. Way to stick it out. You and your body will be happy.

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