
The Bare Minimum

Elder M. Russell Ballard said that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. If I graded this day as a whole, it would not pass as a "good day." So here are the moments:

1. Canon, Taesya, and I cooking dinner together. Canon washed the potatoes and carrots, I peeled and chopped, Taesya put it all in the crockpot and mixed. The three of us lined up making beef stew; it was like a commercial.

2. Hearing them laugh together in the bathtub. Happy laughing, no one crying. I just watched and smiled.

3. Taesya said, in the nicest voice, "Mom, can I please have a graham cracker to eat outside?"

So I'm clinging to the moments cuz sometimes that's all I have. Take a deep breath and count down till bedtime. Hopefully somewhere in their little prayers they'll say thank you for mommy tonight.


Dave said...

Those are beautiful moments Am. Thanks for sharing them.

I wish there had been a photo taken of the three of you making stew. Priceless.

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