
A Moment

We bought this wonderful book from the distribution center that is full of gospel images.  And each has a scripture referenced in the front.  So we are going to use this as a springboard for our family scripture study.  Tonight Taesya picked the picture of Isaiah writing of Christ's birth.  We talked about what we saw in the picture, then read the three verses to go along with it.  It was nice.  The kids all get really excited about pictures of Jesus or the temple, even Keller.  Ben took this video of Keller while we were "reading" the book afterwards.  

(Kel just snuck out of the bath, by the way, and came to ask me "What doin'?"  He's getting so smart.)


Happily Ever After

This is the part of the story when a fairy godmother sweeps in to make my toddler happy again. His crying is over, his whining is done, he has no desire to follow me around and ask for endless things. Poof, suddenly he is smiling and content. Wonderful!



K, who didn't tell the fairy godmother? Dang it.


A few items we need to go over

Item #1:  My head hurts.  I'm getting a lot of headaches lately; I think I need to better hydrate myself.

Item #2:  This week looks like a Deceptively Delicious week.  We've just gotten to a nutrient deficient state of being, it seems like, so it's time to sneak in some veggies.  First on the agenda is Frozen Yogurt Pops, since my kids go through popsicles at an insane pace.  Today I gave them ice cubes, since we had no other cold and fruity alternative.  Tears were shed.  I really love Jessica Seinfeld's cookbook, but I dream of the day when I will have a food processor to simplify things for me.

Item #3:  The ice cream man just drove by, but the $10 in my wallet just went to our babysitter.  Dang it.  Honestly, though, it was totally worth it to pay the babysitter.  She's a senior in high school and she does an amazing job.  I wish I could adopt her.

Item #4:  Fall is coming.  Best news ever.

Thanks, Nicki

My friend, Nicki, shared this fun little ditty on her blog.  Good times.  (Called Pomplamoose.)  Y'know, let's just make this a two-fer:

Now watch them again and dance around your house!  I am chair dancing as we speak.


The Boys got Haircuts

My Family is Silly.


Hot and Cold

After a borderline frustrating trip to Smith's today with all three kids, I pulled into my driveway and felt the air conditioning on my face.  Should I even go in?  I thought.  It was so hot outside and I still had to unload the groceries.  But I wasn't alone in the car, the kids were there, and anxious to get out some energy.  So I gave a big sigh and announced my usual, "We're home!"

Now they are in the backyard with popsicles and sidewalk chalk.  They're crazy for wanting to be out there; even the dog knows it's much cooler in here.  Not as cool as the car, though.  I got the groceries in the house and now I'm just waiting, melting, for Ben to get home.  I'm going to a family gathering for females only tonight; Tae and I are going.  I know it will be nice to see everyone and it's good to get out of the house, but I'm going to miss Ben.

I can remember feeling this way since we first got married.  I just want to be with him all the time.  He makes everything better and easier.  He's like the whip cream on top of life and I love him to bits.  Work's been really busy this week (his "real" job, and his side work as well) so he's pretty occupied.  I miss him.  I want to watch a movie with him and hold hands.  But it'll have to wait until another day.

Oh, how slowly the minutes tick by when you are waiting.  I should have a popsicle.


No interesting title

It's a Thursday and I am feeling shlumpy.  So I thought, what the heck, let's post some pictures and write some random nothingness.  And by "let's" I obviously mean just me.  So behold Thursday thoughts.  And p.s. formatting in Blogger gives me grief; oh so much heartache. 


Canon is having a tough life right now.  Every time I say he can't have or do something that he wants to, he cries and whines and it's the end of the world.  He thinks he can convince me if he tells me, "But mom, I really really wanted a drink of juice."  Oh, I think sarcastically to myself, if only I had known that you really really wanted that thing--my decision would have been so much different.  The picture above in the carseat was after he cried himself to sleep over some issue.  25 minutes later, he woke up crying again,  picking up his argument exactly where he had left off.  

Luckily, though, he does still have moments of happiness.  The other day, he was so proud to show his little brother how well he could get dressed, which then inspired Keller to follow his example.  It was a wonderful brother moment.  Those two are so goofy together at the breakfast table, by the way.


We went to a Peck Family Reunion in Heber last weekend and had a good ole' time.  The kids loved being outside and getting dirty.  This is the swing/ripcord thing that all the kids spend their time on.  It was real camping, apparently, because when I held Taesya that night, I realized she'd wet herself at some point earlier in the day.  "I dried all off, though, mom," she said.  Oh well.  Our dog, Lacey, loved roaming free with all the other Peck dogs.  She scared some of the other kids, though, since she was the only dog larger than the size of a cat.  

Keller tasted a pinecone, which was not as delicious as the watermelon that he spent most of his time eating.  Keller is learning to talk currently.  It's adorable, for sure, but it's getting exhausting for me.  He thinks that he has to report every thing that he sees, does, or wants, to me.  ALL DAY LONG.  It's great practice for him.  I'm encouraging him to go tell Taesya and Canon about things sometimes.

Canon hugged my baby belly yesterday.  It was cute.  I rocked Keller to sleep last night and felt that big boy next to my tiny little girl; it was a nice moment.  I love my kids and I feel truly blessed in life right now.  Daily life is beyond redundant right now, but I'm doin' my best.  Kids start school soon!  That'll be a change.  Ch-ch-ch-changes.


Cooking with Chef Tae

She dictated this recipe to Canon in the car and he careful mixed up (pantomimed) all the ingredients.

5 cups peanut butter
2 cups sliced radishes
4 cups olive oil
4 cups deoderant (which they removed after I laughed)
2 cups chocolate chips
3 cups cat hair
2 cups frog slime
2 more cups olive oil
(I may be forgetting one or two ingredients)

Mix it all up and put it in a pan in the oven to cook for 6 minutes.  Then cut it up or decorate it.

We all had a piece and Keller thought it was quite delicious.  Yum.


Let's get Physical

The good news for today is that my exercise routine is working.  I have gained less weight this time around than I have any of my previous pregnancies.  Boy it was great to hear that, because working out is like pulling teeth right now.  It is tough to get going, but I feel proud afterward.  And today I feel especially proud: 12 pounds instead of the usual 20+ is a definite improvement.  Yay me.

I've been trying to do something active every week day.

Mondays:  Walk on treadmill while Tae's at tumbling
Tuesdays:  Prenatal yoga DVD at home
Wednesdays:  1 hour workout at the gym, half cardio, half resistance
Thursdays:  Water aerobics
Fridays:  Pregnancy exercises and stretches from What to Expect

Plus I walk the dog every other day for as far as I can handle.

I think exercise is nice during pregnancy because my motivation changes.  There's no way I'm going to lose weight, so I think a lot more about getting my heart pumping, working my muscles, becoming more healthy.  It's like I'm putting money into a bank that will eventually make this baby that much better off in life.  Why I suddenly care about being active, considering that this is my fourth time doing this?  No idea.  Weird.  I guess it was just time.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that I'm doing something good and it's paying off.  So glad.


Snapshots of a Thursday

A man was walking across the street in the direction of Walmart.  He wasn't old, but he had a pot belly.  He was pulling behind him an oxygen tank and smoking a cigarette.  Slowly he made his way to the curb.

A hispanic-looking teenager was riding his bike away from the grocery store.  It was one of those smaller bikes that guys like my little brother ride to be cool, I think.  His hair was spiked; he was handsome.  He carried a red rose, packaged in the usual grocery store wrappery.  He carried it low at his side as he rode.  I wondered who the flower was meant for.  

A tall dad carried his little girl on his shoulders.  Holding his hand was his son.  Both children were younger than seven, I would say, and blonde.  The little boy looked like he was getting a little tired of walking, but Dad encouraged him on.  It was sweet.


The three blonde bombshells of my life

These were all taken with my new.... yes, you guessed it -- DIGITAL camera!  Nothing fancy; but I now have the option to capture a memory and share it the same day.  I'm excited.  Still have my trusty SLR for better quality photos, which I intend to use for some fun kid portraits soon.  I'm thinking I'll pick a different location and time of day for each kid, try to capture each of their personalities.  Should be fun.