
Baby Progress!

We buckled down and made a decision. The baby's name is Keller. I heard it at Murray Park the other day and later found out it means "dear friend." He has a name and I am relieved: Keller Davis Peck.

This week, my mom got me thinking about this baby's arrival. She moved her comfy rocking chair to the family room, saying she wants to be able to rock the baby there. What baby? I said. Oh mine?!? I started to think, 'He's actually coming.' And I got excited! So we named him, and went on a tiny shopping spree: new binkies, newborn diapers, and the softest blue and brown pjs to bring him home from the hospital in. Makes me want to hold him so bad, but his little kicks will have to do for now.

I'm excited for Keller to come. I'm not worried about the boy thing anymore; boys and girls are each their own basket of fun and trials. But it really feels like a gift when Heavenly Father sends a baby. Like He trusts you to take care of something so new and small. I know I'll be ready, not that I'm an expert, but I'm really glad to be so blessed with the chance to try. So Blessed.


Jenilyn said...

That is the cutest name! You guys always do a great job at names, We are excited for you!

Jason said...

Cool! Killer Keller can be buds with Tucker. Hurry up, Tuck is getting big!
I really wanted to name one of my boys Davis, but we already have a nephew named Davis. Now we have two. I love that name!

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

I love the name Keller! Very cute. Kirk and I went and bought some little pink and purple outfits, and it made everything seem more real! It's all so exciting

Savannah said...

Congratulations! I hadn't yet heard the news--I'm so happy for you! Your Peck Family sure is adorable...

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