
Our Little Trickster

Two Sundays in a row now, we've woken up early early to "labor." Last week was pretty minor, but I did get my hopes up and lose a lot of sleep. This week we actually ended up at the hospital, only to be sent home.

That Keller sure had us fooled. Big contractions 3 minutes apart, in the middle of the night, the feeling that 'this is the day.' My dad came over so the kids could stay in bed and we headed to the hospital at around 4 in the morning. (Thanks so much to my family, by the way, for being so supportive and positive during all this.) We've never been sent home from the hospital before, so we were beyond disappointed when they told us I was only dilated to a 1.5 and Keller hadn't even descended into my pelvis yet. They let us try to progress for an hour and then sent us down the walk of shame back to our car.

Still nothing since then. No baby, that's for sure. He could come tomorrow or in 3 weeks, it's anybody's guess. But next Sunday, when I wake up to contractions, it's gunna take something major for me to believe this kid again. Already our son is keeping us on our toes. What a roller coaster labor can be.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Our's was wonderful and just what we needed. Thank goodness for family, joy, and holidays.


Leia said...

Hey Am! Your mom gave me your blog address- it's so cute! I hope your next hospital visit is more productive... let me know what you need. I can't find your email anywhere. I heard we have the same calling- this blog is where I get all of my best lesson plans: http://juliesingingtime.blogspot.com/ Thought I'd share the info.

Ashley said...

Well, maybe he's waiting for Spring.... I sure hope not though! I want to meet him!

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