
Feeling Sluggish

I am so tired and unmotivated today. There's a lot to do, though. What I'd like, I think, is to stay in my comfy jammies all day, watch PBS with my kids, and eat ice cream cake. Maybe not all day, but definately for a while. I just feel a little sluggish today. OK, a LOT sluggish. Keller is hollering from his crib cuz he's awake now. So - - - The End.


sNick said...

I remember a sister on my mission once who said, "All God expects from us is our best. And sometimes our best is sitting on the couch all day watching movies and eating chocolate ice cream, and that's okay."

marciea casselman said...

I love the picture of the snail. It describes very well the feeling of sluggishness. I have been feeling that way from time to time this summer and I have had to tell myself that it's OK!

kalie said...

Grosssss! That picture is so yucky! And I want to come eat cake with you.

Amber said...

This is one of Taesya's snails; she collected a whole bunch and housed them in our kiddie pool. Tae loves all things creepy and crawly.

(Yesterday she even picked up a live earwig and carried it outside for me. Gross gross gross.)

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