
2 Timothy 1:7

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

My husband, Ben, has been doing freelance graphic design work for a while now.  Mostly just at night and when he can squeeze it in.  About a month ago, though, his side-job became his full-time job.  We are officially self-employed.

He works from home in our "office" without a door.  It's been tough at times to get used to.  But since Monday I've been seeing a glimmer of hope.  Financially we so do not have things figured out; Logistically, though, and emotionally, I think we're going to be ok.  I think this phase of life will be good for us and that we can grow closer as we spend this time together.  Ben's already really grateful that he gets to see Keller learning to walk, rather than just hearing about it from me.

I'm so proud of Ben for his talent and his work ethic.  When we got engaged, the idea of going into graphic design was pretty undefined and fuzzy to both of us.  Design has become his passion now, and thanks to his his education and various job experiences, he's at a point where he can feel confident (well, fairly confident) as an independent graphic designer.

I love Ben.  And it feels so good to transition a little bit from fear to faith.  We're going to be ok.


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