
Almond Joy Mix

If you plan to go on a hike, you should be prepared.  Bring an extra layer in case of cold, more water than you think you'll need, matches, extra socks, a map or compass, and definitely bring GORP.  (I learned this in my 1 credit class that I took.)  GORP stands for good old raisins and peanuts; so basically it's a mix of whatever snacky thing you can pack in a ziploc bag. I'm an old fashioned trail mix lover, myself.

My hiking class has inspired me to snack on all kinds of mixed up things and my favorite is the almond joy mix that I've concocted.  Pretty easy combination: sweetened and flaked coconut + slivered almonds + semi-sweet chocolate chips.  It's more of a treat type snack, and I can't tell ya how many points it's worth or anything, but mmm-mm, it's good stuff.  Sometimes you just feel like a nut.


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