
Give that lady a gold star

I accomplished mighty things today.  It feels wwwwonderful!

Thanks in part to our kiddie pool, I had a large chunk of time in the morning, which I used to pay bills and plan our monthly finances.  Then I trekked to Cookie Cutters and had all three of my children made to look a bit more civilized (haircuts).  The kiddie pool granted me another bout of freedom this afternoon; I put away three baskets full of laundry.  Now my delightful children each have a drawer full of clean underpants and pajamas.  Yay.

Amen to getting things done.  Feels mighty spectacular.  I even set aside some red, white, and blue for the kids to wear tomorrow.  Honestly, my messy house looks about the same as it did this morning, but inside of me, it looks different.  I am proud.

Hope you all have a fab holiday and wear lots of sunscreen!


marciea casselman said...

I love days like this. When I am thinking of all I accomplished at the end of the day and I got a ton done, I am super stoked.
Of course, then there are days when I accomplish very little...

Michal Thompson said...

amazing how a bunch of water can keep kids happy for just about EVER!

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