
He Came!

I am pleased to announce the long anticipated arrival of Keller Davis Peck. He's finally here and boy am I relieved. He's such a sweetie and the kids just adore him.

Friday, January 16th, I was grumpy as can be and frusterated that I might never have my baby. It had been a long day by the time we got the kids in bed. Ben and I were eating chocolate and watching tv together when it all started (around 8:00pm.) I started having really painful contractions really close together, and then they'd disappear again, then come back - we didn't want another false alarm story, so we were very wary. But my parents were in our neighborhood, basically, so we had them come over and we headed to the hospital.

We were admitted around 11:00pm and told that I was dilated to a 7. We were thrilled to hear that we'd be staying and that we would have a baby sooner rather than later. My previous two labors have been 6 hours from start of contractions to delivery, so I estimated Keller would arrive around 2am. Labor was... well, labor. Lots of work, but manageable. By the time it came to pushing, though, I was... well, concerned. Saying things like, "I just want him out of me, right now," I made it apparent that I was done with this pregnancy and with labor. Keller was posterior, which means he had to turn around to come out. The doc made it happen, though, and finally I HAD A BABY!

"It's a boy, right?" And indeed he was. Keller Davis Peck was born on January 17, 2009, at 1:37 am in the Jordan Valley Hospital. He weighed 9 lbs, 12 ounces (my biggest baby) and was 21 inches long. Lots of brown hair and beautiful blue eyes; he's a good looking baby and I love him so.

I have a baby and I am no longer pregnant. Blessings just don't get any bigger than that. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and interest in my life the past 9 months; I needed it. Life is super great. Don't you think?


Leslie said...

Oh you guys, he is Adorable! I just love his chubs! Great newborn pictures. Way to go, you successfully made it through labor again. We are so glad for you that he is here. I have been checking everyday hoping for good news. Have fun with your little family of five.

Ashley said...

I'm so excited to have another nephew! Your kids are so fun!

Leia said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations guys! Why don't we ever get together? Maybe the boys and I can come up and see you sometime?

Jenilyn said...

Yay! Im so excited for you guys! Cant wait to meet him! You guys are the cutest family!

Unknown said...

He's so cute! They all are! It's fun to see what you and your family are up to, thanks for posting!

marciea casselman said...

Congratulations Amber and family. I am so happy that he is here with all of you. What an adorable little baby.
Now the good times start...........

Savannah said...

Hooray hooray! I love those cheekers...what a cutie! Congratulations!!!

Emily said...

Hey Amber! This is Emily Johnson from high school, I hope you remember me. I've been secretly stalking your blog for awhile now, and just had to say hi, and congratulations! Your little family is so cute, and your new baby is sweet! I love his curly hair in that first picture. If you want me to add you to my blog you can email me at emilyrose_811@yahoo.com

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