
Sleepy Ben

I've been exhausted for - well, about as long as I can remember, but - at least the past 3 months of my pregnancy, for sure.  I was huge, I couldn't get comfortable, and I woke up almost every hour during the night.  So I am used to being tired.

Ben is not.  He's having a difficult adjustment to the nighttime activity in our home.  Keller's not THAT bad, technically, since he doesn't scream non-stop like Canon used to.  (We actually took Canon to the emergency room at 3 am when he was a baby because we were so perplexed at what could cause such screams.  $500 later, we learned to never go to the emergency room again.)  Kel has simply developed a tendency to fall asleep s-l-o-w-l-y in the middle of the night.  And Ben's patience wears a little thin.  He'd love me to just nurse every time Keller makes a noise, but I, as the mom, know that my baby isn't really hungry each and every one of those times.

I really appreciate that Ben helps soothe Keller at night.  I wonder if I should maybe just take over, though, because I feel bad seeing how pooped Ben is.  He's sort of a walking zombie this week.  I hope he can adjust because it's going to be a while before Keller allows him a full night's sleep.  He's done it before, but I'm crossing my fingers that we'll make it through this phase again.  My poor sleepy Ben.


Ben Peck said...

Its pretty tiring. I don't know how Am does it. Living off an avg of 4 hours of sleep a night isn't easy no matter what anyone says.

I give props to Mom's out there that do it especially Amber who does it so well.

marciea casselman said...

Sounds like that man needs a special dinner from his little woman......when you have time. :)

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