

I thought about labeling these photos, but then thought, "If I really have to tell people that I was dressed as a witch, our costumes must not have been as well done as I thought they were." So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

We had a great Halloween this year, even though it has taken us almost a month to develop the photos. On Halloween we carved pumpkins and decorated sugar cookies, which just about gave Ben a heart attack. (If he was raising these kids alone, they would never dig in the dirt or paint, either.) That night we visited mis padres and went trick-or-treating in Kaysville; can't really get any better than that! Keller sucked on a sucker while Tae ran from door to door. Canon wore out after 20 minutes or so and then rode in the wagon. It was my favorite Halloween of my married life.

We all can't wait to do it again; holidays are a huge deal to my children. The kids have already made their choices for next year's costumes, except for Keller, he's undecided. Happy Belated Halloween!


marciea casselman said...

I love the costumes, especially the doctor. I have to say that none of my kids ever suggested a doctor and it's a cool idea.
It's always good to trick-or-treat in K-town. Tons of houses and good candy.

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