
It's hard

Taesya is enjoying preschool but is having a tough time at home lately. She seems more emotional, tantrum-ish. She thinks she knows everything and that we're all wrong. I'm not sure what to do; I'm just hoping she'll adjust to the new routine and return to sweet Taesya.

This afternoon she got mad at me for telling her that we need to wait until dinner time to eat something. She was "crying" in the other room and I heard, "I hate my mommy." I told her that I'm sorry she feels that way, and it makes me sad to hear her say that. Now she's off playing in her bedroom, probably having forgot the whole thing, but I'm left here sort of in shock. That hurt me. I thought I had a couple more years before one of my children would express themselves in that way.

Being a parent is the hardest thing I have ever done.


Ashley said...

Sorry Am, kids say things when they get mad, try not to take it too personally but I'm sure it's hard not to. I remember when I would get mad and I would just scream in my pillow. I told mom the other day that I am not ready to be a parent. It's a hard job and I don't think I'll be ready for that for a while...

Amber said...

I don't think anyone is ever really "ready" to be a parent. There's nothing that can prepare you for what it will be like. I think I knew it would be difficult, but I never predicted how much work it would be mentally. We're always wondering the best way to do things and what the possible long term consequences will be... Just listening to your child cry for three minutes, as you try to teach them how to sleep through the night - oh what a hard thing it is to be a parent.

Ashley said...

Just hang in there! I hear there are moments that make it all worth it---think of those times.

kalie said...

I love your new design! I love it when kids say "Mrs. Chamberlain is mean." It means I am doing my job. :)

APeck said...

That's happened to me as well (along with door slamming and tongue sticking out). There is a book about a boy yelling that same thing to his mom. We checked it out and had a lesson on it. We talked about ugly words and how they turn our faces ugly. The pictures are great to talk about feelings and what ugly words do to your face. Then we have deemed the word "hate" as a no-no word. (If you want to know what we do with no-no words, ask me later.) Put a tally next to this as a learning moment and prepare yourself for the next trial of the times. Same thing happened with Lehi's family and "it came to pass."

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

I'm so sorry Amber. That's got to be really hard. If I were there I would give you a big squishy hug ;) You know she loves you, I'm sure. But, that is hard to hear. Hang in there, and I know things will get better.

marciea casselman said...

Welcome to the REAL world of parenting...the one no one really tells you about.
I have really learned that you need a THICK skin when you have children. They can say mean things because they are frustrated and don't know any other way to communicate.

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