
Come back to me

My little sister, Ashley, moved away yesterday. She and her husband are going to live in New York while he attends medical school. It's a new experience for me to have someone so close to me move so far away. The kids and I were going to stop by to see her before they headed out, but we were too late. And then it hit me, really hard, that I'm going to miss Ashley.

I made myself run an errand and then I sort of drove aimlessly around Salt Lake. I felt empty-ish and sad. The kids were very good, letting me drive off some steam. It wasn't until a David Cook song came onto the radio that I began to cry. All this time, knowing about the move, I've thought of Ashley's perspective and how I think it will all be ok. Yesterday I started to think, "Will I be ok?"

I hope Ashley knows how much we all love her. And how lots of people were thinking of her all day yesterday. Can't wait to see you again, Ash. Love you lots.


Kim Walker Mortensen said...

Ash and I had a pity party by texting on and off yesterday but things are pretty good for both of us now. Just a roller coaster! Having her at the house everyday all day made it much harder. I am glad you love your sister!

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