
"Time for school, time for school!"

Fall is coming again and I am heading back to school. This will be the third semester I've taken from WSU and after December, I will be the proud owner of an Associates Degree. I'm excited about it, and glad to go back. But at the same time ---

I am full of butterflies as I look at scheduling, and all the driving, and wondering when I'll fit in the homework, and I haven't really taken three classes together since Taesya was a baby... Anxiety and I are pretty well acquainted lately and he's just having a hay day with this one. So I turned off the computer monitor and Ben talked me off my ledge of stress. My heart was kind of racing and my brain felt like it was filled with rocks. I'm the one in our relationship who thinks of all that could possibly go wrong, while Ben is the one who thinks things will work out just fine. He's such an optimistic, calm person. He brings balance to my brains.

School's good, right? And I'm glad to go back. I do love the feeling of those A's, after I've worked really hard. A = Accomplishment! So take a few deep breaths and listen very hard to Ben, "Everything's going to be ok."


marciea casselman said...

Oh man, I could go on for an hour about my feelings for "Knowing". I thought the trailer made it look cool, even the movie was good. Yeah, it was a little creepy but not more than I could handle (which isn't much). But the ending with the alien ship, and the whole Adam and Eve and Tree of Life symbolism just sent me into paroxysms of frustration. Did we REALLY have to mimic Indiana Jones? Was it not bad enough that we had to do it AGAIN?
I also consider the movie a complete waste of time and put it down as a mindless turkey.

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