

Change - boy there is a lot I could say about this - Let's start with:

People can change. I can. I used to think I was stuck as I am, but I'm not.

Change is slow. Slower than I'd like it, for sure. But when you think back to six months ago, or read your journal from a year ago - you'll see that you've grown, or declined, even if only a little - you never stay the same.

Change is clumsy. On the path to change, we fall, we trip, we even go backwards sometimes. That's ok.

Change is scary. Most of us have a tendancy to resist change, which is cool and totally natural. But when I pay attention to the way I resist, I can ease myself into new things, new behaviors.

There is nothing so constant as change. (Especially with kids, I should add.)

*PS* Shout out to Missus O and her Dr. I just figured out who the heck you were! Thanks for following my blogged-ness.


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