
Good mornin', good mornin'

I remember waking up to Kalie's beautiful voice singing that song at Girl's Camp in the Uintah Mountains. She is an unbelievably perky person in the morning and she was kind enough to share her cheer with us bums. (Not until later did I learn where the song came from, a fantastic musical called "Singin' In the Rain.") My little sister is at that same girl's camp today. we call it Piuta, and I hope she's having a good morning. And that she has great friends there, like Kalie Casselman and Savannah Spackman were to me. Girl's Camp is awesome and I know Court will love it this year. Good times.

I had a wonderful morning today! The kids and I went to Murray Park and went on an invigorating walk around the VitaCourse trail. The kids had so much fun that they volunteered for another loop. We took a small break in the middle and the kids played in some sand, drawing pictures with sticks. I sat on a rock and Keller slept in the stroller. It was nice to watch the trees moving, and breathe in the cool shady air. I felt grateful. For my day, for my kids, for legs than can walk, for my life.

Taesya and Canon played at the park after that. And then I took them to get some lunch. We were going to pick up some Rumbi Island Grill to bring home, but Canon really wanted to eat in the "restront." I don't go out to eat with the kids unless Ben is there, generally, but I gave it a shot today. We all split a yummy pork rice bowl with Teriyaki sauce and veggies. Keller even ate some of the rice. There was a cool moment at Rumbi when we were all happily eating together. The kids started dancing in their seats to the background music, shaking their bums and smiling at stranger; Keller started to bounce up and down, too, as he watched his siblings. I looked at them all and felt really happy. How could anyone not feel joy watch three tiny children doing the lunchtime dance? My kids are fun and I love them a ton.

Driving home, I realized that things are getting happier in my life. We are operating two or three notches higher than we were 6 months ago. And overall, I'm feeling better. Even optimistic, ambitious. It might sound like no big deal, but people, this is HUGE.

I had a great morning. I hope yours was equally as pleasant. "Good mornin', good mornin' to you!"


Missus O said...

That is huge! Congratulations on your perfect day! I just started to follow your blog and I think it is way cute, it is good to see you guys doing so well!

kalie said...

Aw, HI!!! Thanks for the shout out. Yep, it is "Singin' in the Rain," and it's great to "stay out late...." I love you. When I was in Utah, Kathryn Stenquist gave me a girl's camp picture with all of us in it. It's a treasure! I can't wait to show it to you.

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