
Vacation Time

We're going camping tonight and I am way excited. Yes, I know that it will be hard, and I know my baby probably won't sleep well, and the last time Canon went camping he threw up all over the tent... but I think it will be ok. The kids love dirt and rocks and trying new things. I love spending time with Ben, and we haven't been doing a lot of that lately. So our family will sleep in a tent, sing camp songs, and have a good ole time! We never go on "vacations" so this is going to be a nice change for us. Yay!


Canon says, "I really like throwing rocks in the water. I like sleeping in the tent. I like eating food at the camping. I ate cereal with no milk." (He spilled his milk onto my sleeping bag.)

Tae says, "I liked playing with the sticks in the sand. I liked eating, too, also those marshmallows and that cereal. And also I like throwing rocks in the pool of water. It was so nice for mom and dad to let me roast marshmallows. And I also liked getting my feet washed from Mom. I liked playing right in the water and getting that drink and putting my big stick in the water. I liked it."

Ben, "Camping was awesome. There was a very cool small river next to us. We saw a very cool awesome camper charred by fire on the side of the highway. The kids played in the water and had a fun time. Keller got handfuls of sand to smoosh together. Nice campfire where the kids roasted marshmallows by themselves, and had lots of fun."

And I would like to add that we really liked camping at Jordenelle State Park. They had bathrooms, a playground, water spigots, showers - pretty nice place and cheap. The resevoir was beautiful and I enjoyed listening to the waves, as the kids played with rocks. We're planning to go back in a month or so. It took for-e-ver to get up there because of an accidents that held up traffic in a big way. Once we were there it was nice, and I felt a lot of love for my kiddos. It was super cold at night, and Canon did give us another throw-up scare (no actual yuck involved.) But overall I am glad we went. I like camping with my family.


Ashley said...

I never inherited the camping gene.... Have fun!

marciea casselman said...

I hope that your camping trip was fun. Ours were always such a disaster that we stopped camping. Now it is an extremely rare experience for all of us, especially the older I get. I don't get along really well with the hard ground.

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