
Like beating my head against a wall

I just wanted to go on a little walk around the block with my kids. We have to survive until Ben gets home at 6:30, so I'm trying anything that will take up some time. Taesya wanted to ride the tiny bicycle we have and the boys were in our wagon. We passed exactly one house before Taesya's "leading" turned to a stop. There are two large dogs that live at the corner house and Tae didn't dare pass them.

"Taesya, the dogs are behind a fence. They can't get you, right?"

"Right, Mom," she says as she moves her bike onto the grass to get as far away from the fence as possible.

I explained, I persuaded, and then I gave up and passed her. So I'm pulling the boys, the dogs are playfully barking and jumping behind their fence, and Taesya is screaming behind me. Her bike (obviously) won't ride very fast on the grass parking strip, and the sidewalk is out of the question... Oh my, I had had it!

Somehow we got passed that corner house, with Keller and Taesya in tears, and me left wondering at the minds of children. Is it possible to teach children that dogs cannot run through fences? Canon seemed just fine; maybe he can have a talk with his brother and sister. (Sigh) and now my head really hurts.


Ashley said...

I would have done the same thing as Taesya! Dogs terrify me---just ask mom about how I would freak when we went on walks.

Kirk and Janelle Tingey said...

I went on a walk with Emalee - we went about 1/2 a block when she let me know that she had HAD it!! Wouldn't calm down at all until we were back home. I feel your pain - but just a little. I can't imagine doing that with 3 kids!! You must be super mom!

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