
The dreaded 4 am

(Completely random photo)

Oh man, four in the morning and I am a-wake.  I got up to go to the bathroom an hour ago and, for some crazy reason, I can't fall back to sleep.  My brain started planning "music time" for Relief Society and my fingers wanted to practice a hymn (seriously, laying on my tummy, my hands were playing "Come Ye Children of the Lord" under my pillow) and I could not turn it off.  Tried the couch, no progress.  Tried to tell myself, "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep," but that didn't help.  Grrr, it makes me frusterated.

Normally, I would read.  But I finished my intense Court drama yesterday, The Simple Truth, which rocked, by the way, after reading The Life of Pi last week.  Waiting on deck is The Saddlemaker's Wife, which doesn't look too promising based on the cover.  No reading tonight.

As I was laying on the couch, and trying not to fall into the spaces between the couch cushions, I was thinking about googling yoga routines and home pedicures.  Then I laughed as I realized I've been googling my whole life (even before the internet was a big deal) by using the Topical Guide in the scriptures.  Really, so similar.  I choose my search term and am presented with a variety of options, all a little abbreviated.  I "click" on one to see if it's what I need (lots of times the number one option isn't a match) and then return to my "search results" for another page to maybe answer my inquiry.  Ha, it's so funny to me how I use these two search engines to answer the questions of my life.  (Maybe this won't sound so insightful once the sun comes up.)

My eyes are tired, but my brain is--ugh--go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!


marciea casselman said...

Been there and done that a hundred times. I do the same things and sometimes just get up and start my day. It makes for a tired me but that's how it goes from time to time.

Courtney Ruth said...

So did you not like Life of Pi? i have to read it for science....

Amber said...

I liked the Life of Pi. It's really interesting. Give yourself enough time, though. I'm sure it took me at least a week of reading a lot.

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