
Take-home treasures

In Relief Society, we studied a talk by Elder Holland called "Safety for the Soul."  I was impressed that in the same way we cannot rely on another person's food storage during an emergency, we also cannot lean on someone else's testimony when the end comes.  (The parable of the 10 Virgins came to mind.)  I have to build up my own spiritual supply so that in the last days, my heart will not fail me.  I need to

"Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him."  

Moroni 10:32 is going to be the theme for my week.  When all the yadda seems like it's making my head spin around, I want to think of my Savior.  He knows me and has faith that I can do good in this world.  I will come unto Him, and become stronger and stronger.  Church is difficult at this phase in my life, but today I came home with a pearl.  I'm so glad.


marciea casselman said...

Love it when church is inspiring. I substituted in the Library yesterday. Not so much inspiration there. But still, there needs to be service in all areas, so it was still productive.

Erin said...

This is a great post. I definitely need to build up my own spiritual supply myself.

You came to my blog two weeks ago, and I've been having a bit of a rough time, so sorry it's been so long since I responded. I thought it was interesting that you said you were going to take the quotes on my sidebar to your group therapy. Are you in group therapy (as a client), or are you a therapist? My husband is actually a psychologist who specializes in group therapy. I love making little connections like this in the blog world.

Your blog is beautiful!

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