
Thinking pains

Someone told me today (ok, it was my therapist) that it doesn't matter what other people think.  If I enjoy photography and writing, if those things make me happy, then that's all that matters.

My brain totally rejects this idea.  I don't want to be one of those losers on American Idol who think they can sing, while all of America is laughing at them from their living rooms.  I don't want to be delusional like that.  If I suck, I'd rather know so I can give up and find something else.

Really?  No.  I love to write.  And I love to take pictures.  Does it matter where I land on the talent scale?  If I was the crappiest in the world, but it brought me joy and peace, shouldn't I still do it?  Apparently.

This hurts my head, majorly.


Michal Thompson said...

I am with you, There are things I LOVE but I am not necessarily good at them- crafts, photography, running etc. It is okay to just enjoy them!

marciea casselman said...

Why shouldn't you do it? Chances are you won't be on TV and doing it in front of a zillion people. I love to sew and take pictures and read. I sew well, take mediocre pictures and it takes me forever to read a book. I don't care. I can still work on it.
Life is a work in progress and we aren't perfect at things when we first start but we get better the more we do it. :)

Ashley said...

Keep to it! It's fun to have hobbies:)

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