
Attempt at running Errands

It's been one of those days.  Oh boy, yeah it has.  Picture if you will a frazzled mom standing in line at the pharmacy.  Her children apparently haven't even been dressed for the day.  The baby is crying in his car-seat, the oldest child is pulling on that divider between pharmacy lines, and the toddler comes precariously close to toppling out of the cart head first.  Lots of noise, crying, attempts at discipline.  "What prescription were you coming to pick up, today?" the man asks me.  Amid the chaos, "Birth control."  He seems sympathetic.

I just read my brother and sister-in-law's blog and it made me smile.  Reading about other children makes me reflect upon mine.  My kids aren't bad, really, but when kids are sick or bored or tired, it can seem like they are bad.  And with a short attention span, rules probably have to be reviewed to be remembered.  We're struggling with the rule that mud does not belong in the pool.  Mainly Taesya is struggling with that rule.

Canon has a cold/cough again.  He must have inherited his dad's immune system.

Keller is the only baby on the planet, it seems, who doesn't automatically fall asleep in cars.

It's only 2:00 so I have several hours to fill till Ben comes home.  I think we'll make a game of sorting laundry and then play outside with some water.  A moment of peace right now, though, is feeling really good.  Hard days build character, right?  And really, I know what a blessing my children are.  Those kids love me so much.  

The pharmacy was funny, though.  :)


marciea casselman said...

I can relate. Anyone who is a mom has had those moments.
You're doing great!!

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