
Starting to Worry

We're getting near the end of Idol and there are less and less crummy people to wish off the show. Soon we will be saying goodbye to our favorites. So I'm going to vote vote vote, trying my best to believe the American mantra that "every vote counts." So this evening I did my duty to save Kris, Allison, and Gokey. They are my current top Three.

Don't want to gush too long, but I just have to mention that Kris kicked trash tonight. Right on the money, that boy. I will be on the edge of my seat during the always long results show tomorrow. Right after Lie to Me, which I so love.

Shout out to my family: Love you all, love seeing and being with you. XOXOX.


Ashley said...

I can't get myself to like Kris. His facial expressions while he sings bug me. I have to close my eyes when he sings. I agree with your other two. Of course you know that I like the performances of Adam....Scott and I both think that he is going to win. Sorry, I know that you don't like him. You should make a prediction of the winner too and we'll see who is right:)

marciea casselman said...

Amber, I have to agree that Kris Allen's performance was the best of the night. However, I think the top three will be Danny, Adam and Allison with Kris in 4th. There is some pretty crazy talent in AI right now and it's hard to know who should go next. My vote? Lil Rounds. I know she is frustrated but seriously that rendition of "The Rose" was hhhooorrible............I hated it!
And as much as I hate to admit it, Anoop did pretty good and Matthew, well I didn't care too much for his rendition of one of my favorite songs of all time but when I listened back the second time I didn't hate it quite as bad as I did the first time.

Amber said...

Let me clarify that by "my top three," I mean that I like those three the best. By no means do I think the rest of America will agree with me. They rarely do.

Season one: I wanted Kelly Clarkson to win and she did.

Two: I wanted Clay, didn't win.

Three: Didn't really watch...

Four: I wanted Bo Bice, nope.

Five/Six: Was Taylor Hicks first or Jordyn Sparks? Can't remember. Well, anyways I wanted Chris Daughtry and Jordyn to win.

Seven: I picked Archuleta, too bad.

So yet again, I'm not good at predictions, just at fighting for who I like.

marciea casselman said...

Taylor Hicks was first and interestly enough he hasn't seemed to do anything with his win. I have to wonder why people loved him so much. He sang pretty good but his body language was too goofy for me.

Emily said...

I so love Kris! He is my very favorite, but unfortunately, America seems to love Adam for some reason. Don't get me wrong, he's talented, but he belongs on broadway, not on the radio as an "American Idol". Every he goes up high and does that skreetching thing, I just want to hurt somebody. Ugh, I do not like him. I'm glad to hear someone else out there doesn't like him.

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