
Little Pieces of Heaven

I was reflecting this morning on my favorite places. I've had one or two little hideaways or escapes where I can breathe deeply and feel peace. Places where I feel comfortable. And I just wanted to share them.

When I lived at home, I really loved our waterfall in the backyard. The sound of water was very calming. I'd take a book with me and sit on a rock all alone. It always felt really nice to have that moment just for me. I have a picture of that waterfall hanging on my wall.

Provo was our home for a long time and I have so many places that I love there. But I think I found the most serenity just walking the sidewalks of our Center Street neighborhood, especially in the fall. The old homes full of character, the tall strong trees, and the rainbow of leaves that blanketed the streets. Walking around, I would remember the things I cared about and dream of what the future would hold.

Now I have found that I really cherish my backyard. Slowly things have changed about it, and more will in the coming years, but the way that it is now, I can hang out there all day. We have a nice shed, a swingset with a small pool at the bottom of the slide, and a garden that I am so proud of. I think the point of my backyard is that it's not perfect, it's not ideal or what anyone else thinks it should be - it's the backyard that we made, and that we enjoy. I love to be back there when all three kids are having a good time. Makes me smile.

One last piece of heaven: holding my children and my Ben. I could cuddle with Canon, sit with Taesya, and smell baby Keller all day. Ben's hugs are so comforting to my soul. What a lovely family. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father has granted me so many glimpses of what heaven can be.


kalie said...

Allow me to add Cedar City, UT's fall to your list of "heavenly places." There is nothing like walking down the avenue with fall in full splendor--and then arriving at SUU's Braithwaite Building.

marciea casselman said...

I'm glad that you enjoy your backyard and your cute family. Really what more is there in life than family and home?
Those are two of my favorite things also.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Glad to hear you are so happy!

Jenilyn said...

I love those types of places, and I really like your backyard too, im jealous, we have no yard right now.

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