
Cameron's Coming

Keller and I have the same kind of haircut lately.  (I just thought that was interesting.)

My little brother, Cameron, is coming home from his mission tomorrow.  I almost can't believe that the two years are over.  I'm so excited to see him and give him a big hug.  

He's never met Keller, which is crazy to me.  The whole process of birth and everything is crazy, really.  When Cameron left, there was the beginnings of a baby in my tummy, and now, such a short time later, there is this full personality occupying my life.  It really is a testimony to me that we existed before this life.  Keller (and all my other kids) came with his own little bundle of likes and dislikes, his own stubbornness, little quirky traits-- there is just so much wrapped up in that little body.  

Life changes quick.  And now here I am with another little baby secretly hiding away his/her own special personality.  (It hope it's a nice baby, cuz I'm getting pretty outnumbered around here.)

I'm so glad that fun things are happening: homecomings and holidays.  Summer in general is good for my brain.  Sunscreen, popsicles, and flip flops!  Can't wait for tomorrow!


Stephanie said...

Look at that cute little brood on your couch. You made that, can you believe it? :)

marciea casselman said...

Summer is the best. I love the relaxed schedule, the heat, the picnics, the kids hanging around, the flowers, the smell of fresh-cut grass and vacations.
I can't believe Cameron is coming home already. To me it seems like he just left.

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