
Go Idol

Here's the low-down folks:

Danny Gokey did a grrrreat arrangement of "You are so Beautiful" tonight.  It made me smile a goofy smile.  And it was just wonderfully sung.  

Kris Allen's rendition of "Apologize" was so mainstream compared to what he usually does.  Not that it was terrible or anything....  I was just unpleasantly surprised that he hardly changed it at all.  I actually preferred David Archuleta's performance last season.  And I can't say that I was in love with "Heartless" either.  But Kris always sings great, he's always adorable, and I still want him to win.  (Have you ever heard Kanye West's version of "Heartless," by the way?  It's super catchy.  And I'm not a big Kanye fan.)

Adam... I enjoyed the first half of the first song.  I only like Adam, I decided, when he sings like a man.  Whenever he starts sounding like a female, I bail.  But - he is a very sweet guy and  I like his personality a lot.  

Favorite performance was Gokey on "Beautiful."  But I'm hoping he's the one going home tomorrow.  My choice for American Idol is Kris.  This is not in any way a prediction, but I'm sure gunna try my darndest to vote Kris Allen into that finale.  1-866-IDOLS-02 !!!

*** K, this is what I've decided about "Heartless" - I was glad that Kris did his own take on the song, really glad.  And although it wasn't as catchy (like totally gets stuck in your head) as the original, the verses were much better than Kanye's version.  Mainly because singing is better than rapping, to me.  So I liked the verse of Kris' rendition, and the chorus of Kanye's. Kris definitely did take a chance and people seemed to love it.  I wasn't "jumping out my chair" as much as the judges, but honestly, yes, Kris did a good job.  I voted and I hope hope hope to see that shocked expression again as Kris is told to stay another week.  End of lengthy review - Amber out.


marciea casselman said...

I was so loving Kris's rendition of "Heartless". It was fabulous. I loved what he did with the song. Alyssa played Kanye's version for me and I think Kris totally rocked. I was somewhat thinking that the last two would be Adam and Danny but we got a little surprise.
We think that Danny has kind of stayed even throughout the competition, but Kris has gotten better and better over time.
Don't get me wrong, I love Danny's voice. It is gravelly and beautiful but he did not do himself justice on Tuesday.
I CAN'T wait until next Tuesday!!!

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