
Snack Answers

A couple things I found:

1.  Kids need more snacks than us.  
2.  If I give them healthy snacks I won't have to feel guilty about too much snacking.
(from a dietician)

3.  Grab and Go snacks will make my life easier.
4.  I should just pick one or two snacks to keep on hand each week.  Then rotate when grocery day comes.  


Leia said...

I know what you mean! Some days my boys can't seem to get enough food. Our pediatrician encourages waiting 3 hours between snacks/meals, so to avoid the low blood sugar tantrums around here, I just have 4 regular meals a day. We eat "lunch" by 11, eat again around 2:30. I have also had to add a lot of fat into the boys' diets to slow down their digestion, so a lot of my planned meals for them are smeared with butter.... But I try to add veggies in throughout the day (tomatoes in a grilled cheese, carrot sticks, etc), and always have plenty with dinner.

That's what has been working out for us. Some days they eat breakfast right at 7 am (for our boys 7:00 is sleeping in), so sometimes we end up with 5 meals a day. My boys now know that we eat when it's time to eat, so I don't have to deal with whining for snacks all the time.

Good luck! I hope that you find what works for your family.

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