
What do you want to be when you Grow up?

When questioned, Taesya will tell you the four things she plans to be when she grows up:
1.  A Mom
2.  A Chef
3.  A Ballerina
4.  A Doctor

Canon has been taught by Taesya that you must aspire to be four things, so his current list is:
1.  A Daddy
2.  A Skateboard Man
3.  A Football Player
4.  A missionary

As far as Keller goes, his current goals are pretty basic.  But he really wants to achieve these:
1.  Sitting
2.  Holding toys
3.  Eating whatever the rest of the family is eating

As for me, I'm still trying to decide.  I do plan to get a BA someday, but I'm not sure what kind. Things I really love and would like to get better at:
1.  Writing (Possibly Creative Non-Fiction.)
2.  Photography (Mainly people, I think.)
3.  Drawing (An interest more than a talent so far.)

It's fun to have goals and dreams.  Just think, by the end of eternity, (k, there really is no end to eternity...) we'll have become so much!  Can you even imagine who you'll be by then?  Wow.


sNick said...

I love Amber.

sNick said...

I love Amber.

marciea casselman said...

I'm not sure yet what I want to be but I'm working on it. I'll let you know when I decide.

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